This chapter utilizes the model of psychoanalytic field theory that is based on the work of North American psychoanalysts the plasmic model. Most of the emerging threads of new psychoanalytic formulations can be conceptualized as placing an emphasis on context. Psychoanalytic conceptions of the self and of the individual were progressing toward being understood as involving immersion in a constellation. Psychoanalytic interest in a more complex understanding of human development was emerging. Edgar Levenson noted a difference between the North American pragmatic strain in psychoanalysis and the European psychoanalytic emphasis on internal mythopoeic processes. While working in Argentina, Willy Baranger and Madeleine Baranger developed the concept of the analytic field, a core concept of the mythopoeic psychoanalytic field theory. Baranger and Baranger retained many of the principles of the structural model, including the objectives of psychoanalytic process, the analytic frame, free association, and interpretation.