KEY POINTS: x Buildings are generally static but people need to move around

them in many different ways x Circulation strategies must be carefully considered with all classes

of users, particularly people with different abilities, in mind x Mechanical movement of people in buildings is highly effective

but due to the high cost, must be expertly designed to achieve the requisite operating efficiency

Contents 1. Introduction 2. Access to buildings 3. Horizontal movement within buildings 4. Vertical movement within buildings 5. Mechanical movement around buildings

1 INTRODUCTION The aim here is to ensure that the design process is founded on the principle that all people – regardless of age, gender or ability – should be able to gain access to buildings and once inside, they should be able to use the building whether it is a home, a place of work or even if just visiting. This means that people moving about that building – its very lifeblood – should be carefully considered in the earliest stages of the design process. It therefore recognises that the overall strategy may need to include plans for access to the building and also horizontal circulation as well as vertical movement between storeys, whether mechanical or human-powered.