This chapter investigates the interplay between fact construction and positioning of a translated news magazine article by tracing an intertextual chain in the reporting of a political interview. By investigating how a political interview of a South Korean president is recontextualized, first into a Newsweek article and then into a Newsweek Hankukpan (NWH) Korean edition article, the present study argues that the Newsweek Hankukpan article's portrayal of itself as a factual information provider is achieved via explicitly distancing itself from its corresponding article in Newsweek. At one level, the level of the magazine as a whole, an overt and formal intertextual relationship based on resemblance and alikeness is evident in terms of a comparable design, layout and colour scheme. However, at the level of the individual text, NWH article claims that it is an authentic and factual report of the interview and alludes to the possibility that its corresponding Newsweek (NW) article may be flawed and misleading in certain parts.