The word 'translation' gives no indication of the direction into which a text is translated: from the foreign language into the mother tongue or, inversely, from the mother tongue into the foreign language. The chapter examines to what extent translations done into the translators' foreign language still allow them to make their readers share the notions and emotions of the original. Rydning being a Norwegian (1992) has studied the problem of translation into the foreign language. In March 1993, the BBC took advantage of the general tendency towards literal translation by saying, speaking of the then French President, Mitterrand and his Prime Minister, Balladur. The problem is that of power sharing which the French call cohabitation since with them everything partakes of the pleasures of the flesh, even in politics. Passive linguistic and cultural knowledge leading to understanding can be acquired at all ages, and that is why it is possible to reach perfect understanding in the B language.