Humanities are the essence of the culture which is refined from cultural created by human beings, and they reflect both the seeking to the human nature and the care of the destiny of human beings. On the view of macroscopic, the humanities embody in the national spirit, and in micro presentation, they appear as the temperament of the people and the value orientation, such as caring for life, pursuing ideal, praising of moral, yearning for the perfect personality, loving of truth and nurturance the manner of scientific thinking and so on. At the same time, the scientific spirit of “be careful, responsible a, realistic and creative in studies” is also the important part of humanities. As we known, the absence of humanities will lead to the inanity, even loss of conscience; in the same way, the humanities are imperfect if it is lack of scientific spirit. As Yang Shuzi said, the famous mechanical engineering specialist, educators, and an academician with the Chinese Academy of Science, “Without technology, a play on the collapse; But not human, not playing since the collapse.”