Psychotherapy in Korea still excessively sticks to the concepts of Western psychotherapy and this misplaced attitude of assimilation within Korea continues to persist. The essence of Taopsychotherapy is to reveal and overcome a patient's 'nuclear feeling' essentially through a therapist's deep compassion. To attain the absolute compassion, therapists need first to resolve their own nuclear feelings, thereby purify their mind. Rhee Dong-Shick highlights the fundamental philosophical background in Taopsychotherapy as being aware of reality and accepting reality as it is. Thus, the ultimate goal of Taopsychotherapeutic practice is the removal of projection which creates illusion, and therefore conflict. In the view of Rhee Dong-Shick, pacifying the mind by eliminating complexes and projection, rectifying cognitive distortion and accepting reality as it is, or anything that seeks the purification of mind and the realisation of truth is, in actuality, Tao. This Tao is more commonly expressed in its central principle of Wu-wei. Wu-wei literally means 'non-doing', 'non-action', 'non-interference' or 'emptiness'.