In order to describe and explain the range of practices of caste discrimination that limit the implementation of the Quota System policies, this chapter reviews research that addresses the issues met by the Dalit in gaining access to university places, both as students and as faculty. The Quota System's aim was to promote educational development for all Dalit in post-independence India. The Miller Committee, established in 1918, was the first of the committees commissioned to support socially challenged people in India. The reservation policy was subsequently extended to the low-caste Shudra in the employment sector. The Constitution of India has put in place some protective measures and safeguards to make sure that a form of social justice remains available to some of the Dalit people. Indeed, the pursuit of social justice and fairness is the reflection in India's legal statutes, which claim to seek the improvement of the weaker sections of society, ensuring human rights to the lowliest.