Ever since sport was formally recognised as a viable and practical tool to assist in the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (UN, 2003) we have seen a worldwide proliferation of programmes following sport for development and peace (SDP) aims (Kidd, 2008). The distinctive nature of each SDP programme is determined by its aims, the intended ‘recipients’, the ‘agents of change’ and the context. Their common characteristic is the use of sport as a vehicle to initiate social and cultural change. However, are the coaching methods that they used within these interventions appropriate to the underlying objectives, whether they are to improve community relations, health, gender equality or education? This chapter presents a coaching model that unlocks the potential of sport from its purely technocratic function to assuming a different purpose, as a medium for teaching values which are compatible with the aspirations underpinning these SDP interventions. It will explain that the sustainable behaviour change required in order to ‘make a difference’ to the recipients in these SDP programmes is made possible by facilitating adjustments in the value systems of those involved. If we want to bring about lasting change in attitude and behaviour we must begin by changing values.