Giant Albion's personality is divided into: his Emanation, his feminine spiritual counterpart, Jerusalem, image, both as woman and city, of every ideal, personal and social, cannot accept his surrender, and is inevitably separated from him. Her restoration to Albion will be the climax and denouement of the poem, when Satan is revealed for the illusion. Blake cares for the people, those who suffer with Jerusalem, 'going from door to door'; those seduced by Rahab into stifling moral blindness; even those stupid enough to be sucked into the model of Hyle or Hand. Jerusalem is the Bride of Revelation, 'which John in Patmos saw', the longed-for Holy City of God, whose achievement would be the consummation of the biblical quest. B'. s contemporaries would recognize this vision of a New Jerusalem in Albion an image dear to nonconformists, religious and political.