Science fiction is one of the most conceptually and politically adventurous fictional genres. It takes us to new worlds that may be fundamentally different from our own, though its genesis was in the industrial revolution at the beginning of the nineteenth century (Roberts 2006, 38). It was that basis in scientific experimentation and technological development that gave the genre its name and also provided its major tropes such as the robot, the android and the alien. In looking to the erotics of the genre, therefore, we are already in a highly politicized and often conceptually challenging fictional space, in which major questions about the nature and qualities of human beings are being articulated and/or interrogated. Science fiction film brings this conceptual and political challenge to a wide audience, deploying the major tropes of the genre and animating them through an erotic that engages the audience with both the world of the narrative and, self-reflexively or not, their own world-their own behaviors; their own fears and desires.