Marketing Land Use Complexes Conflicts, both real and imagined, are commonplace among fIrms comprising the broad sectors of the marketing system. As has been indicated in earlier chapters, conflict increasingly is occurring on an intersectoral basis, for example, with the contrasting corporate aims of largescale retailers and merchant wholesalers. One result of attempts to resolve some of these many conflicts has been the spatial aggregation of fIrms trying to achieve economic and social benefIts consequent on explicit or implicit co-operation. It is not surprising therefore that areas of land exist which are devoted to a particular marketing activity but provide locations for many fIrms. Just as many firms may occupy a single offIce block, so many retailers may occupy a shopping centre or many wholesalers locate in a distribution centre. Marketing fIrms operating from these complexes impinge on each other but relationships have tended to become ordered and formalised as the complex has evolved. None the less, conflicts do occur not just among the constituent firms but also between the total complex and other land users in the urban area.