These complexities and peculiarities notwithstanding, as the experience in Nigeria has shown, corporate RE management, hitherto assumed non-existent in Africa, has become a major focus of attention for various RE actors in some emerging economies. Indeed, the wave of interest in emerging economies – within which is the so-called “Africa on the rise” debate (Obeng-Odoom, 2014) – together with the contemporary challenges mounted against GDP (Fioramonti, 2013) as the primary measure of economic development in mainstream circles, and the need to consider the social dimensions of this “progress” (UNRISD, 2010; Hujo, 2012) makes this book an imperative. The aim of this last chapter is to highlight the issues arising from the book’s chosen approach in order to tease out the implications for learning and teaching, research and policy, and to contemplate what challenges lie ahead in the transition from now to the future.