A developing treatment plan derived from the client's case conceptualization and provides an overall view of how the client can free himself from the 'grip' of the disorder and do his therapy goals. The treatment plan composed of a series of interventions that will change those factors maintaining the client's disorder. Treatment usually comes in the form of research-based disorder-specific treatment manuals for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) which provides structure for each session and guides the therapist in which rules and techniques to use. The treatment programme derived from this model has been empirically validated and aims to help clients change their interpretations of bodily sensations from catastrophic to benign and change the processes that support these catastrophic interpretations. Cognitive interventions include the cognitive model of panic, the evidence for their catastrophic interpretations benign explanations of their bodily symptoms. Behavioural interventions include therapist-guided in-session panic induction to teach clients that their very unpleasant panic sensations are not dangerous.