The therapist can check with her client his Daily Thought Records (DTRs) in a range of situations to help him become aware of a particular theme that may recur in his thinking. For example, a sample of the client's automatic thoughts records at home, work and in social situations are, respectively, 'Everything has to just right', 'I need to make sure that my colleagues see me in the way I want to see' and 'I can't enjoy myself without the right people around me'. The therapist can ask him if he recognizes a theme running through these thoughts or whether he can infer a particular rule or assumption underpinning them: THERAPIST: In doing this exercise with other clients, themes of rejection identified. CLIENT: I'm not sure. THERAPIST: Well, in going over these thought forms control in your life. Is that the case? CLIENT: I think that's true. I think my life is out of control falling apart.