In the 3RD YEAR of his reign Theophilus left Gondar and went to 'Arlngo, where he passed the summer, and then proceeded to Yebaba, and left his crown there with the chief officials. He then set out by himself to visit the islands in Lake Sana, and whilst there he learned that Tige had escaped from the prison of Ab-Selus in Hamasen near the Red Sea. Tige then collected an army of the Llban Kalag and Baso Galla and proclaimed another impostor king. Theophilus summoned his warriors and set out for the country of the Baso, and Tige went to Yebaba, where he slew many and took up his position for fighting. The kings troops attacked him and defeated his army, and the impostor escaped and was no more heard of. A great massacre of the Galla took place, and the Llban and Baso were practically exterminated. Tige and his two sons fled, but as they were going through Waramit a peasant farmer recognized them and seized them and cut off their heads and took them to the king at Yebaba.