Then I overthrew the Aaaive, and the Zaa> and the Ta/3a\a, who live in a range of mountains, from the sides of which springs of hot water gush forth and pour down the sides of the mountains. Then I overthrew 5AraX/xo), and the Be7a, and all the people who camp round about them. And having overthrown the Tayyairoov, who occupy the country as far as the frontier of Egypt, I turned away from my own territories and marched to Egypt. Then I fought with the ’A wive and the Mer^e, who live on precipitous mountains, and the people of Xecrea, who had fled to a very high and impass­ able mountain. I camped round about them and made them prisoners, and I took what I wished for of their young men and young women, and their youths and maidens, and all their posses­ sions. I overthrew the peoples of 'Pavawv, who live in districts in the interior with the Barbarians who traflfick in incense on vast waterless plains, and the people of XcoXare, and I commanded them keep guard over the sea-beaches. When I had fought and over­ thrown in battles, wherein I myself took part, all these peoples who were protected by mighty mountains, I permitted them all to keep their lands as tributaries. Now the greater number of these people submitted to me voluntarily and paid tribute. I sent a naval force and soldiers against the ’Appa^ira? and the KtvatSoKo\7rira<;y who live on the other side of the Red Sea, and when I had overthrown all their kings, I commanded them to pay tribute for their country, and to go about their business by sea and land in peace. I made war from A gvktj k (o/jl6 to the land of the Sabaeans. All these peoples have been conquered by me, the first and only one of the kings who were before me, through the grace which [I have found] before my august god Ares, who has also begotten me, and who has made subject to my sovereignty all the peoples who adjoin my land in the East as far as the Land of Incense, and in the West as far as the lands of Ethiopia and the Sacrou, some against whom I myself marched and fought, and some against whom I sent [troops]. And having established peace in all the world which has been conquered by me I have come to Adulis to offer up sacrifices to Zeus and Ares, and to Poseidon on behalf of the sea-faring folk. And having collected and gathered together my troops, I establish this throne on this spot and offer it to Ares as a pledge in the twenty-seventh year of my sovereignty.