The Boat of AFU-RA, having passed through the first five DIVISIONS of the Tuat, now, according to the BOOK OF GATES, arrives near the southern part of the Delta, and near the kingdom of Osiris, lord of Mendes and Busiris. The idea of a heaven wherein wheat grew luxuriantly, and food made of the same could be had in abundance, was evolved in the Egyptians mind after the introduction of wheat into Egypt from Asia, and after they had settled down to agricultural pursuits. The god of such a heaven was naturally the Corn-god NEPRA, but it seems as if Osiris were identified with him at a very early period, and as if, finally, he absorbed all his attributes. On the right of the path of AFU-RA is HORUS THE AGED, leaning on a staff, and addressing a company of twelve of the enemies of Osiris, who stand with their arms tied together behind their backs in very painful attitudes.