The pictures and texts of FOURTH DIVISION, or HOUR, in the BOOK OF GATES vary considerably from those in the BOOK-AM-TUAT. The god AFU-RA appears in his Boat as before with SA and HEKAU, and four gods tow him on his way, he has passed through the Gate which is called NEBT-TCHEFAU, and its guardian serpent TCHETBI has in no way resisted his progress. On the right of AFU-RA are the Twelve gods who "carry their doubles" and who live upon the offerings which are made to them and upon what is given to them by TESERT-BAIU, i.e., the place of holy souls. The Twelve gods who are in front of the shrine ascribe praise and dominion to KHENTI-AMENTI, and declare that his son Horus has restored to him his crown, and crushed his enemies, and made strong OSIRIS-KHENTI-AMENTI.