This chapter contains the complete hieroglyphic text of the first division of the book Am-Tuat, which is Called Net-Ra, with translations and reproductions of all the illustrations. This text was produced by the priests of Amen-Ra at Thebes. The ELEVENTH DIVISION of the Tuat, which is passed through by the Sun-god during the ELEVENTH HOUR of the night, is introduced by three lines of text, which read: The Majesty of this great god taketh up his position in this Circle, and he addresseth words unto the gods who are in it. The boat of the sun, in which stands the god under a canopy formed by the body of the serpent Mehen; on his head are horns and a disk. Horus, hawk-headed and wearing a disk, leaning with his right shoulder upon a long staff, and holding in his left hand a boomerang, one end of which is in the form of a serp.