Old/new recognition task. The old/new recognition task immediately

followed the encoding task. Participants were presented with 80 full-front

faces (08) successively in a random order. These 80 faces included the 40 faces (20 Asians, 20 Caucasians) previously seen in the same/different

matching task (‘‘old’’ faces) and 40 ‘‘new’’ faces (i.e., the other half of our

sets of faces: 20 Asians, 20 Caucasians, half males). Participants were

instructed to decide whether each face was ‘‘old’’ or ‘‘new’’ by pressing one

of two keyboard keys (with mapping of key to response counterbalanced

across participants) as quickly and as accurately as possible. Each face was

presented until the participants responded or for a maximum of 2000 ms.

Participants were not informed of the proportion of old and new faces, and

they did not receive any feedback for their responses.