The modern sociologist have no difficulty in discerning in this short apercu an able statement and an implied solution of the main problem of the sociology of religion. The social philosophy expressed was remained with Soren Kierkegaard to the end of his life, even though he never reformulated and expanded it. It is present in all his works, a subterranean stream of ideas, as it were, which we can never see, but whose murmurings are audible all the time. Rationalism is like a cancerous growth in the body: once it has taken hold it will eat on until it has destroyed everything. The dialectic of the present age tends towards equality, and its most logical-though mistaken-fulfilment is levelling, as the negative unity of the negative reciprocity of all individuals. Kierkegaard was firmly convinced that in a materialistic medium equality can be established: that it can only be realized among those who have opened their hearts to the Gospel-spirit.