The fundamental relation that represents the logos, systematisation, 'false consciousness', and the historicity gains their meaning. The concept of consciousness which the Mannheim employs is not unsuited to the problems that the author addresses. This chapter begins with an analysis of the 'present' and demonstrates the Mannheim's appeal to history, which originally aimed to relativize the validity, and itself leads to the universalisation of the sovereignty of the history. Mannheim evidenced the essay that which brought him to seek out the 'sources' of the theories which Mannheim had watered down. Ideological inquiry consequently turns out to be founded upon metaphysics of history, which is described as follows: Although there is nothing but history, history is the history of its own concealment, the flight from its own being. Mannheim impulses the Marxism to the Marxist critique of ideology, thereby weakening it, began to appear highly suspect to him.