This chapter presents the techniques used to help the client move into action. Empty Chair Technique approach aligned with gestalt therapy, used to promote further growth and insight by the client through expressing himself in a way he might not otherwise choose. Pretend technique approach aligned with family therapy used to help the client see that a once involuntary problem can be controlled. Pretend technique is similar to acting 'as if' in Adlerian individual psychology. Ordeals approach aligned with family therapy, Individual therapy used to get the clients to abandon the symptom. Bibliotherapy aligned with cognitive behavioral therapy used to provide the client with a specific homework assignment that uses books, articles, audiotapes, or videotapes as a means to learning about a specific issue or topic Germane to therapy. The therapist has the client keep a daily record of their events, actions, behaviors, thoughts, and reactions. The client then uses such records to evaluate her behaviors, thoughts, and actions.