This chapter explores the issue of forgiveness and reflect on what brings joy and happiness in life. Practising compassion for others can make people more conscious of the common humanity, the shared human condition. The Fourteenth Dalai Lama has based his religion of kindness on the principle that all beings want to be happy and free from suffering. A valuable aspect of realising our common humanity is the cultivation of four emotional qualities that are boundless in their scope and exclude no one: namely, loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity. In Buddhist psychology they are traditionally called the Four Boundless States or Brahmaviharas; which is called as the four friends for Life. The chapter offers a number of exercises that can specifically contribute to enjoying and savouring moments of happiness consciously, derived from various sources. Positive psychology distinguishes three sources of well-being and happiness: pleasant life, engaged life, meaningful life.