This chapter helps the readers to understand what is meant by sales force automation (SFA) and the functionality that is available in SFA software applications. The SFA eco-system is made up of three components such as SFA solutions providers, hardware and infrastructure vendors, and associated service providers. Vendors and consultants claim a number of benefits from SFA implementation, including accelerated cash flow, shorter sales cycles leading to faster inventory turnover, improved customer relationships, improved salesperson productivity, accurate management reports, increased sales revenue, market share growth, higher win rates, reduced cost-of-sales, more closing opportunities and improved profitability. Broadly, SFA enables members of sales teams to become more efficient and effective in their job roles. The chapter describes the generic set of sales-related functionality, and SFA software is also designed for context-specific applications. The event management functionality has resulted in significant lifts in attendance due to the team's ability to reach more people and the easy registration process.