The author presents how he, a young, tenure-track assistant professor of educational foundations, have used YouTube in his college classroom in order to cultivate critical media literacy, what Paulo Freire and Donaldo Macedo identify as reading the word and the world, into the teaching praxis of my students. He shares specific and detailed examples of how he has successfully used video clips from YouTube to teach about Vincent Chin, demystify the model minority stereotype of Asian Americans, and teach the critical race theoretical concepts of white interest convergence and false empathy. YouTube is generally considered to be a video-sharing platform. In 2005, three college students created YouTube. The brainchild of Chad Hurley - Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Steve Chen - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Jawed Karim - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, YouTube had by the following year become one of the fastest-growing websites on the World Wide Web.