The Strengthening Families Program (SFP) is a highly structured, evidence-based family skills training preventive intervention. SFP is effective because both parents and children participate in two-hour weekly family group sessions for 10-14 weeks. In the first hour, children and parents attend separate classes each led by one female and one male culturally competent group leader. Children learn social and emotion-regulation skills, peer resistance skills, problem solving, and effective communication, while parents learn parenting skills (e.g., attention and

rewards, clear communication, family organization and weekly meetings, effective disci pline, substance use education, problem solving, and limit setting (Kumpfer & Hansen, 2014). Both learn the importance of family play and togetherness time, effective family communications, family meetings to enhance or reduce stress and conflict, which they practice together in the second hour. Offering transportation, dinners, babysitting, incentives for attendance and participation, and a graduation party removes barriers and promotes recruitment and retention.