This chapter presents a conceptual justification for the application of brand theory to the notoriety of violent extremist organizations (VEOs), and lays out a research agenda that model specific branding strategies that VEOs employ to gain prominence, and the outcomes that result. Experts in terrorism research agree that radicalizing others to identify with and join the ideological cause is the primary focus of leaders and active members. The chapter proposes the factors that contribute to the prominence and brand reputation of business organizations, and contribute in comparable ways to VEOs. Using case-based evidence, it suggests the conditions under which marketing theories apply to and potentially even predict outcomes for VEOs. Theoretical models continue to advance our understanding of the impact that even subtle marketing strategies have on traditional organizations' performance. The ability of researchers to predict which VEO will be the 'next big thing' in terror takes business research to a higher level of relevance to society at large.