Point of caution is coworkers may soon realize this mentality within the Buddhist practitioner, and try to pin their mistakes onto that person. This chapter considers few critical principles in Buddhist psychology that should be carefully examined, as people can become potential pitfalls in business performance. The reality of attaining higher consciousness, which promotes a sense of love, compassion, joy, and equanimity. When people place Buddhism and business alongside one another, the competition element may be the most apparent dichotomy, considering that Buddhism focuses on compassion, respect, and mutual support. The fact that Buddhism promotes healthy detachment may lead to the practitioner being nonconfrontational and non-competitive. The Application of Bodhicitta, which reminds to see everyone as mother from a previous life. Ahimsa, which encourages us to see the connection to all other living beings, and therefore should not injure anyone. The principles of non-harming, equanimity, no competition, Bodhicitta, and higher consciousness, are related and each other's cause and effect.