This chapter provides a brief overview of the current perceived need for umbilical cord blood cells (UCB), solidarity, and egg sharing and cord blood stem cells from the resultant babys umbilical cord. An egg-share agreement is one in which a woman receiving in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment agrees to donate some of her eggs. Egg-sharing on the premise that promotes the ideology of reciprocity and solidarity, then the inclusion of UCB in this mode of mutual exchange could be a future possibility for pregnancy. This chapter also explores the HFEAs current Code of Practice concurs in its guidance relating to egg-share agreements and the use of benefits-in-kind but a closer reading could also carve sufficient room for the inclusion of UCB in its section dedicated to information provision. The chapter has sought to propose an ethical alternative to the current use of benefits-in-kind and has proposed that the inclusion of UCB may be possible biological resource alternatives.