This prescriptive project has directly led to a prevailing descriptive culture which asserts the independence and arbitrary relation of Hegel's logical and political thought to begin with that is there never was a necessary, meaningful or intended overlapping to begin with. Where the culture of Anglo-American thought had sought to conquer through dividing and subdividing, an attitude was reinforced which presupposed that we can isolate discrete philosophic problems and make progress in solving them. Carl Joachim Friedrich would write that Anyone who undertakes to deal with Hegel in pragmatic, positivistic America today is running the risk of being immediately set down as a hopeless obscurantist. Friedrich, ironically a German born and trained scholar, brought the Anglophone diatribe against the Hegelian project to its fulfillment. Friedrich's 1962 essay The Power of Negation: Hegel's Dialectic and Totalitarian Ideology took Popper's assessment of Hegel's politics further to question whether totalitarian ideology is the outcome or the necessary consequence of Hegelian dialectic.