This chapter examines industry impediments to innovation, notably procurement. Clients have much to gain from supporting the development of research in architectural practice and across the construction industry. The clients are of course absolutely key to the incentivization of research in practice. The role of clients in creating some of the most innovative and well-loved architecture is unquestionable, yet their role is consistently suppressed. Clients are waking up to the importance of post-occupancy evaluation (POE) for the development of management strategies within their organizations. Owner-occupier clients have much to gain from POE, but there are unfortunately many other types of client who have a vested interest in not knowing how badly the buildings that they commission perform. Stability in teams of clients, designers and contractors with a proven track record, experience of working well together and the ability to learn from project to project as part of a 'conscious process' has 'huge benefits' and would seem to be the way forward.