This chapter focuses on the discussion of the educational backgrounds and political experiences of the presidentas. It found in explaining paths to power that, all the presidentas except Dilma Rousseff possessed some form of political family tie though Fernandez's were the most direct. The family path to power in Latin America might not just be relegated as a relic of the past. Even Fernandez's case proves more complicated since she obviously had an independent political career from her husband. Laura Chinchilla's and Michelle Bachelet's originated in their relationships with their fathers who, though politically significant, were never presidents. Chinchilla engaged in political protest activity as they mobilized against dictatorial regimes, again more continuity in the paths women executives take to presidencies offering greater powers. The complexity of gender operates with presidential campaigns also is palpable as the double bind women face persists. As a result, women presidential candidates utilize targeted gendered strategies that highlight their femininity but also masculinity.