Geronimo was on Moen, a small Danish island, with Jan Torp and Silvia Ricciardelli, the latter having just participated in the second six-month workshop of the International Brigade. They had been invited to present street theatre interventions within the framework of an international festival. Geronimo was born from a costume and from the nostalgia for absolute innocence. It was summer and Geronimo held a straw in his mouth as he clung to Jan's hand and looked at the world with wide open and dreamy eyes. During the week that they stayed on Moen, Geronimo had the possibility of consolidating himself as a character. Initially Geronimo was mute, but after a couple of months Jan discovered bird whistles: a duck for him and a raven for him. In this way they emerged from their silence. Geronimo felt a huge sorrow when Jan communicated his intention to leave Odin Teatret.