Roberta Carreri is one of acclaimed theatre company Odin Teatret's longest-serving actors, and the last to be trained by Eugenio Barba himself. She relives the milestones of her professional journey, including: her first experiences of street theatre. The work on The Gospel According to Oxyrhincus began with the choice of costumes. In author's first visit behind the cloth she saw that there were all the dress elements of a Mae de Santo. The Gospel According to Oxyrhincus was the first performance on what Eugenio called 'marble' that is a series of physical actions created by two actors who worked together with the same object. Since author had already used up her 'marble' they decided to do an improvisation and they set up the video camera in the black room to record it. Through her training she has acquired the psychophysical capacity to alternate between the subject and object of an action.