Roberta Carreri is one of acclaimed theatre company Odin Teatret's longest-serving actors, and the last to be trained by Eugenio Barba himself. In this book, she relives the milestones of her professional journey, including: her first experiences of street theatre. The author can see that it was the logical consequence for having 'dramatised' the training in Judith and in the work demonstration. When the author agreed to write this chapter, she did not know that Guendalina Ravazzoni's photos of Traces in the Snow would be the documentation of the last time she was able to execute the physical exercises in slow motion. During the Odin Week of September she had to revise all the scores in her performances and adapt them to her new physical condition. The day after she saw Min Fars Hus for the first time, some spectators present for the public morning training session asked about the method of Odin Teatret.