This 4-volume set, originally published between 1969 and 1970, traces the basic psychoanalytic concepts evolved by Freud. Each volume takes a single theme in Freud’s thought and gives a concise but exhaustive account of the historical development of the concepts relating to it. Whenever there is any change in formulation or amplification, the change and Freud’s reasons for it are clearly noted. Out of print for some time, it is now available again both as a set and individual volumes.

In order to present his thought most clearly and graphically, Freud’s own words have been used, and references are always given to the appropriate volumes of the standard edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, and to Freud’s letters and other writings. This enables the reader to pursue any subject of special interest in a minimum of time – a possibility that will prove of enormous help to students, teachers, lecturers, research workers and seminar leaders alike.

The preparation of these volumes involved the active collaboration of fifteen psychoanalysts and child psychotherapists from the Hampstead Child Therapy Clinic (now the Anna Freud Centre). Organized in the form of a study group under the chairmanship of Dr Humberto Nagera , they worked intensively on the project for six years before completing these four volumes. Usually it will take a student several years of intense reading to become conversant with these basic concepts let alone to master and integrate them fully. Dr Nagera and his colleagues aimed at making this task lighter.

Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts Edited by Humberto Nagera, Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts on the Libido Theory (Volume 1), Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts on the Theory of Dreams (Volume 2), Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts on the Theory of Instincts (Volume 3), Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts on Metapsychology, Conflicts, Anxiety and Other Subjects (Volume 4)