This chapter explains challenges of disentanglement and re-entanglement that have arisen and continue to surface in the struggle to transform early childhood pedagogies in Aotearoa New Zealand in recognition of the commitments contained within the 1840 Te Tiriti o Waitangi, The Treaty of Waitangi. It shows how the aspirational intentions of Te Whriki have failed to deliver post-colonialist praxis, the forces of colonialist legacy being reinscribed through the neo-liberalist assemblage generating re-entanglement, enclosing potential ruptures to the whitestream order. Te Whriki states that 'The Maori curriculum is an integral part of the document and provides a basis for bicultural early childhood education in New Zealand'. The use of the term 'partners' refers to the two parties who signed the treaty, Maori chiefs representing the tangata whenua and Captain William Hobson, representing the British Crown, acting to legitimize British settlement.