Gandhi invites the possibility of being read in terms of a consistency in anubhav, vichar and achaar. The best place to examine these in action was the end of his life, where Gandhi's beliefs, principles and basis for living were sorely tested. Gandhi struggle the hardest to bring about Hindu-Muslim unity, which now seemed almost impossible after Partition. Before leaving Calcutta, Gandhi was asked by the newly constituted Shanti Sena Dal for a message. The message of truth and non-violence was, in other words, as much worth dying, as living for. But the very persistence of the lonely Mahatma acquires epic proportions in his last days. He continues, day after day, repeating, insisting on the same message. The force of ahimsa, animated by the spirit of the fragile Mahatma, becomes a mighty praxis in the blood-soaked streets and back alleys of north India and Pakistan.