This chapter explains feminist gerontology and what it has to offer social work practice. It looks at the ways in which ageing can have an impact on women, particularly due to social and economic structures, and addresses the intersectionality of oppression. It then examines how social work practice, based on feminist gerontology, can be used to tackle ageing-related oppression and discrimination and facilitate an ageing process that is meaningful and psychologically, physically and socially healthy for women. The chapter considers ways in which feminist gerontology can be applied to social work practice at the micro, mezzo and macro levels. It focuses on feminist gerontology, which 'points to the value in analysing ageing from women's life experiences, not just because they are women, but because this analysis reveals the power dynamics that contour the ageing experience'. Ageism perpetuates the myth that older people are of little social value and therefore can legitimately be devalued within the social system.