This chapter demonstrates scalability of the initial model, and the process of construction that remains consistent even when adding complexities. The chapter describes the construction of a 5-unit multifamily pro forma in four sections: (1) Inputs, (2) Debt/Amortization, (3) Pro Forma, and (4) Summary/Valuation. It considers the amortization table, and the Pro Forma section, which is the guts and glory of the financial model. The logical sections are Schedule, Total Net Revenue, Total Expense, Net Operating Income, Debt, Net Sales Proceeds, Free Cash Flow, and finally Valuation. The next is Expenses, where each of the expenses for the project is quantified. The methodology will be similar to revenue but for the use of absolute and relative referencing for more simplified referencing. The valuation methodologies demonstrated are debt service coverage ratio (DSCR), Cash-on-Cash, Bifurcation of cash flows, Net Present Value (NPV), and Internal Rate of Return (IRR).