This chapter examines to complete the typology of principal-agent models, by introduced the model of 'quasi-corruption' based on assumptions of mala fides of the principal and bona fides of the agent. The process of establishing a public procurement system in the Russian Federation (RF) can be divided into three stages: the first stage (1992-97), many documents designed to provide the legal framework for public procurement were enacted. The second stage, (1997-2006), legal documents for the basis of a regulatory system for public procurement were enacted. The third stage (2006-13), the development of a national public procurement system was associated with enacting the 'Law on Placement of Orders for Supplying Goods, Executing Works, and Providing Services for State and Municipal Needs'. Finally, the chapter also focuses on the major changes in the RF's regulatory framework of public procurement, related to the adoption of Federal Law, in terms of their role in hindering the development of conditions for corrupt behavior.