Psychoanalysis is the method of psychological therapy originated by Sigmund Freud in which free association, dream interpretation and analysis of resistance and transference are used to explore repressed or unconscious impulses, anxieties and internal conflicts, in order to free psychic energy for mature love and work. Neuropsychology is the study of the relationship between brain and behaviour: it is concerned with the way in which the brain affects behaviour, emotion and cognition. Psychoanalysis is the theory of personality developed by Freud that focuses on repression and unconscious forces and includes the concepts of infantile sexuality, resistance, transference and division of the psyche into the id, ego and superego. Kaplan-Solms and Solms describe another right hemisphere stroke patient who was angry with the medical staff treating him and wanted his arm amputated. In psychoanalysis, models are very restricted and difficult to test and modify. In neuropsychological rehabilitation the emphasis is on empowering the patient.