The author explores his entanglement and embodiment in the data re-presentation process, particularly through a window into poetic writing. He explores the poetry and the visual data that provokes 'directions in motion' responsible for shaping ways for a conceptualisation of his journey as one of becoming-researcher. The poems constitute author's experiment with different ways data can be written and interpreted and aim to challenge and respond to the often privileged positioning of authorial voice. The author's queries what it is that takes place in the poetic space, where the aim is to avoid a stark privileging and separation of the researcher's voice from the researching experience, by asking of poetry-as-research how it happens. Deleuze and Guattari have urged consideration of the ground on which the author sees this site in the middle. Poetic writing is a methodology both important and immediately necessary. Quite simply, it is a patterning which allowed him to go ahead.