The ostracism of Themistokles emphasized the political weakness of those who held their views during the 470s, and little that happened in the first half of the succeeding decade can have altered the position. It is more difficult to reconstruct Argive attitudes to the events of these years. It can hardly have been formulated for aggressive purposes, for the active propagation of war against Sparta. Little is known of this peace, or the precise circumstances which led to it. It is clear that Sparta conceded to Argos the right to control the Argolid. On the other hand, it is equally clear that the east coast of the Peloponnese, the district of Kynouria, was not handed back to Argos, since the Spartans feared in 421 that Argos would demand its return. So Hysiai must have belonged to Argos at the time of the peace treaty of 451, and her possession of it was then confirmed.