CLEVVO. ]ÖAI(B) 38 (1950) 80 f. (Lavant-Kirchbichl near Aguntum, c. A.D. 100): Clevvo Veitoris f Not Illyrian (thus Miltner, ]ÖAI(B) loc. cit.; cf. Capovilla, Studi 92 f.). Cf. the names Clevas, Clevatus (A. Mayer, Die Sprache der alten IllYrier I (Vienna 1957) 193), Clevius (CIL V 4717), Vesclevesis (Alföld y, Personennamen 326) in the northern Adriatic area. PATALUS. CIL II661 (p. 2708) (Rieding in the Lavant valley, first-second cent. A.D.): Cotulus Patali f Cf. the Venetic names Patalus, Patalius, Patalicus (Mayer op. cit. I 26o; Alföldy op. cit. I07)· TRAUSEUS, TRAUSUS. AÖAW 1967, 197 ff. (Magdalensberg, lead seal, early imperial): Trauseus (not a nomen as Egger, AÖAW loc. cit., supposes, but rather a cognomen). CIL 12027h = Car. 149 (1959) 163 (Magdalensberg, calculating token, early imperial): Trausus L. Pomp(onii ser.). Cf. the gentilicium characteristic of Venetic areas, Trosius (Alföldy op. cit. I 29). Probably an immigrant to the Magdalensberg from northern Italy.