This chapter explores the pathways followed by former high school apprentices in Ontario and Alberta, Canada a few years after leaving school. In Canada, most provinces support a range of secondary school initiatives intended to facilitate youth transitions, particularly for non-college-bound youth, the forgotten half according to a US report by the. Youth transitions from secondary education to working life have become a focus for policymakers in most Organisations for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries in recent decades. The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) is similar except that students are not required to register as apprentices with the provincial Apprenticeship Board when they enter the programme. In Ontario, Apprenticeship and Industry Training, the government department responsible for monitoring apprenticeship, mailed an invitation to former youth apprentices to participate in survey. Employer engagement in apprenticeship training is admittedly a problem and the challenges of school-business partnership are often underestimated.