In addition to the traditional forms of gymnastics, learners may aspire to become participants in other popular activities, such as street gymnastics, parkour and free running. These sports require skilful and efficient movement, in unconventional environments. They are readily accessible to those who can jump, land, roll, vault, leap and climb, and who are resilient, able to manage their body weight quickly, use momentum, and absorb and redistribute energy as they travel from obstacle to obstacle in the environment. Facing and managing risk, maintaining safe practice and enjoying the seemingly impossible challenges presented by the environment offer endless enjoyment for experts in these gymnastic-type activities. Others may aspire to become circus acrobats, stunt performers or to join companies such as Cirque du Soleil, and achieve the fantastic feats of physical virtuosity and performance confidence. Examples of other sports that incorporate elements of gymnastics include diving, synchronised swimming, skateboarding, BMX cycling and rock climbing.