In the first three decades of this century, an astonishing revolution took place in the experimental laboratories of modern science. Perhaps the greatest benefit that the 'new' science called Chaos has rendered is that it has begun to knit back together the tattered edges of what the classical mindset has torn apart. Their interdisciplinary research proceeded from the basis of a singular governing principle: Chaos and order are not opposites from which to choose as they have been portrayed by classical science. Classical physics, or more accurately classical 'mechanics', a nearly four hundred year-old view of the world founded in the Cartesian notion of a 'clockwork universe', was Taylor's science of choice. Chaos and its foundational principle of consciousness have in effect shattered the footwear of Newtonian/Cartesian science beyond repair. Practitioners of the Buddhist tradition, an ideology that goes far in encompassing the principles of Chaos without ever using its lexicon, hold that right thinking leads to right action.