“I’ve never remembered a single dream, and as far as I know, I don’t dream,” he said resolutely. A handsome man in his early thirties, with a body that was tanned and muscled, he sat alertly before me, ready to plunge into therapy as he had plunged into other projects in his life. “I’ve spent my young adulthood working day and night, making large sums of money, devoting myself totally to my work while neglecting my social life. I’m your typical workaholic. I’ve dated men and women, but I never really feel anything emotionally for the people I date. After a while, they become too demanding, and I have to back off. All this has become boring to me of late. During the past year, I’ve started to wonder where my life is heading, so I sold my businesses and took a year off to study acting and find myself. However, I’m having a little problem in my acting classes. I can’t cry. I don’t know how important that is. I suppose I should be able to cry if I want to be a serious actor. That’s what brought me here. I don’t know if I’ll be able to bring in any dreams, though. Does everybody dream?”